Swimming Pools
Get a real-time overview of your guests in the swimming pools and saunas.
At a glance you get data about occupancy, number of visitors, status, turnover per customer*.
Energy saving potential
Thanks to our system, you know when and how often your saunas are used. You can also see at any time whether one or more people are in the sauna.
In connection with your control system, a visitor-dependent heating system can now be implemented. The savings potential here is 10% and more in energy, depending on the utilisation.
KPI - Your important key figures
All important indicators such as total visitors, current number of visitors, turnover per customer, capacity utilisation per area are recorded by our system and processed for you.
You have access to current as well as historical data at any time.
Receive all key figures as a report by email on a daily, weekly or as often as you wish. The fill level notification is also
Level notification
Notifications can be issued on the basis of values defined by you.
This is done, for example, when a certain number of visitors have entered the area (to control cleaning staff) or when the maximum fill level is reached to guide visitors.
All data can also be called up via mobile APP with your tablet or mobile phone. Furthermore, important settings for the operational business can be made here.