Get a real-time overview of your customers in your shops.
At a glance you get data on occupancy, number of visitors, status, turnover per customer* and much more.
Dwell points & body sizes
All-important indicators such as total customers, current number of customers, turnover per customer, turnover per employee are recorded by our system and processed for you.
You have access to current as well as historical data at any time.
KPI - Your important key figures
All important indicators such as total visitors, current number of visitors, turnover per customer, capacity utilisation per area are recorded by our system and processed for you.
You have access to current as well as historical data at any time.
Receive all key figures as a report by email on a daily, weekly or as often as you like.
All data can also be called up via mobile APP with your tablet or mobile phone. Furthermore, important settings for the operational business can be made here.